Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Sticks

Today is just so exciting!  I have my first session of knitting class at Purls, followed by a trip to the Quilt Craft and Sewing Festival with some of my closest friends, and on top of all that goodness, I was able to get one project off the sticks and a new one on!

Here is what I got off the sticks, it's not complete but still an accomplishment.

Here is my next project, I don't know if I can make it using the circular needle I have though.  I am supposed to join the round but the round is not large enough to stretch the length of the needle, any suggestions?

I cannot wait to show y'all today's projects and goodies!

Yarn, fabric, and hugs,



  1. dear Felicity, is the little blue item a baby shawl? your right it is adore(able) I think i'm going to need 2 of those . how do i get the pattern? and do the instructions come in sizes?

  2. Thank you! The blue item is called a Moebius Wrap, I found the instructions here: To the best of my knowledge it is not a baby shawl but I am sure it can be made into one with a little craftiness! The pink yarn will be a baby shawl as seen in the picture on the right. I found that pattern for free at JoAnn. Thank you for the comment, you just made my day! Have fun knitting!
