Sunday, October 23, 2011

In Preperation

It's almost here; Reformation Day.  Oh yes, the 95 Theses, Martin Luther, Wittenburg, everything good right and proper as we know it.

In honor of this reverent day it seemed appropriate to make a trip to the pumpkin patch, and then to the grocery store where the pumpkins were cheaper, and begin some celebratory carving by the glow of old Christmas lights, left hanging by those that came before us.

 Lady Liberty Showed Up! 

Waste not, the pumpkin seeds were baked and consumed!

Cinnamon-Sugar Pumpkin Seeds
Garlic and Salt Pumpkin Seeds
Exsurge Domine,



  1. i love pumpkin seeds. its to me the best part of pumpkin carving. Great pumpkins btw.

    stopping by from the followers fest. i'm a new follower. hope you can check me out at

  2. love that you used all parts of the pumpkin and enjoyed it :) hope you had a great weekend! xoxo {av}

  3. Cute pumpkins! We meant to save our pumpkin seeds and roast them, then ended up throwing them away. You're making me wish I had saved them!

    Happy Halloween! Stopping by from FTLOB's Weekend Wander!
