Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Christmas Birds

I love doing red work, but after taking on a project that was too big to chew I set it down for a while.  When I did decide to try again I picked a smaller project and by God's grace finished it in time for the holidays (thank you Kirsten for your help with the binding)!

The birds are just precious.

And it is so pretty hanging on the wall at Christmas time!

Singing carols like a bird,



  1. glad to see your camera back in action.
    Is this still the stash from your friends w/ the red fabric?
    A friend sent me a great song for Christmas.
    You can down load the sheet music too.
    I know that you will enjoy it.

  2. This is still the stash from my friends with the red fabric!

    In terms of the song; the purpose is clear that Christmas should be centered around the birth of Christ Jesus our Savior, no doubt about it! I must say however that I wish no harm, economic or otherwise, on individuals who say seasons greetings or other such things that cover up the true meaning of Christmas. I will not boycott a store, or turn around and walk away from a person who does not greet me with Merry Christmas. Rather I will enter the store, make my purchases and respond to whoever wished me a seasonal greeting devoid of religious meaning with a strong and proud 'Merry Christmas'. As a christian it is not my place to judge any store or individual on their Christmas marketing schemes, decorations, or salutations. However, it is my responsibility to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" and there is no way I can do that if I avoid all of the people who don't wish me a Merry Christmas(Matthew 28:19).
