Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Operation Gratitude

Today is December 7th, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.  This tragic even led the United States straight into World War II.  Our troops fought long and hard for the freedom we are now basking in.

USS Arizona ablaze

On this day we still have troops that are fighting for our freedom and safety.  Write them a letter, show them respect, let them know you support them.  Don't just remember, act.  Go to

You can write a letter to those serving overseas, or veterans at home.

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, let us swear allegiance to a land that's free, let us all be grateful for a land so fair, as we raise our voices in a solemn prayer" -Irving Berlin, God Bless America

God bless,



  1. thank you for sharing this. as someone who lives in hawaii (and was born and raised here), it is so important to remember pearl harbor.

    also-- I LOVE YOUR NAME! :)

  2. dear Felis..
    I brought my father over to look at your tribute to operation gratitude. And her was very pleased with your blog. You put a smile on his face. Which is quite hansome.
