Thursday, December 15, 2011

Soundtrack of my Life

This is me.

Living in the laundry basket bubble, enjoying the warmth of my jammies and the joy of one on one time with my best buddy.  As we talked and laughed and teased the topic of my heart was mention.  My heart is my life, as it is for all human beings but I seem to kid about my heart more than the usual man on the street.

So I have a common excuse I give to anyone and everyone when I want to spend the day in my pajamas in a laundry basket, or when I mess up, or don't want to do something, or want to whine, or just want to be silly.  That excuse is "It's my heart" said in the most whiny nasal voice you could possibly imagine.  Everyone laughs, including me!  Crazy how my complaining cheers me up and makes me laugh but hey, I'll take what I can get, so here is the soundtrack of my life (meant to be funny).



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